New Business Models for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in sub-Saharan Africa

  • 06th December 2016
  • by secretary

30th November – 3rd December 2016. Nairobi, Kenya. The main purpose of this workshop was to provide a platform to discuss sustainable mechanization development strategy options and, specifically the role of public-private and private-private partnerships.

The 105 participants at this workshop were delegates drawn from SSA countries, including policy-makers, academics, private sector, financial institutions, Farmer Organizations, and national development organizations (international and regional), and NGOs. Experts from outside the region, especially private companies.

The participants exchanged knowledge, perspectives, experiences and lessons learnt in the past while identifying leveraging and entry points for sustainable development of agricultural mechanization in SSA during 8 Sessions, and attended over 25 keynote and technical presentations.


  1. Provide a platform for public and private sector actors to meet and exchange knowledge, and articulate commitments to improve agriculture mechanization is sub-Saharan Africa for:
    a. Ascertaining the main needs and constraints for the dissemination and adoption of sustainable mechanization in sub-Saharan Africa
    b. Defining potentials
    c. Identifying key factors for developing sustainable agricultural mechanization
    d. The delineation of holistic sustainable mechanization policy guidelines;
  2. Devise new collaborative models for Private-Public and Private-Private Partnerships in order to

    prepare the ground for potential investments and articulating opportunities, across a range of specific points of the agriculture value chains, that can create jobs and improve livelihoods with support from the World Bank, FAO, AGRA and the industry and as part of this define:
    a. Possible pilot/priority countries (5 – 7)
    b. Funding (immediate funding needs, finance/co-finance options)
    c. Governance issues

  3. Explore and consider the development of a global sustainable mechanization knowledge exchange platform (ICT level) to enable the continuation of consultations;
  4. Explore the possibility to establish a Regional Center for sustainable agricultural mechanization in Africa similar to existing centers in Asia (BISA1, UN/CSAM2) which will help in the research, training and capacity building on technologies and practices related to mechanization along the agrifood value chain specifically for the region in line with the priorities of the existing and future policies.
Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization -Josef Kienzle, FAO (25 slides)
“Private sector development increases the manufacturing and service provision base for agricultural mechanization and provides opportunities for more South-South Cooperation among manufacturers, dealers and institutions”

New Models for Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization in Sub Saharan Africa -Chakib Jenane Senior Agribusiness Specialist, World Bank (20 slides)
Survey results about the importance and potential of the agricultural machinery market in Africa: New PPP business models: Agricultural guarantee funds, Mechanization Demo farms, Mechanization Centers of Excellence 

Up-Scaling Sustainable Mechanization in India -Harminder Sidhu BISA (24 slides)
The Spread of Smaller Scale Machinery in South Asia: Observations -Scott Justice and Enamul Haque CIMMYT (18 slides)

“Urbanization is driving increased demand for food products that are not currently being supplied by African producers. Many Post-harvest losses (PHL) solutions exist and can be locally manufactured, but are not yet reaching farmers at scale. 

Mahaseel Agricultural Investment Fund and Anterra Capital are venture and private equity funds providing growth capital to storage and processing companies in Africa.

The CGIAR Technologies for African Agricultural Transformation (TAAT) Clearinghouse led by IITA will raise farmer productivity and incomes by creating a repository of proven agricultural transformation technologies that are tailored for the African context and can be scaled beyond pilots through CGIAR and partner delivery mechanisms. This includes: Processing of Cassava: Mechanical Peeling and Mechanical Drying (Using Pneumatic Dryers), Improved Storage of Cowpea Using PICs bags (Cowpea)”

“Where manual threshing yields one tonne of paddy per day, the ASI—taking its name from ADRAO (French acronym of AfricaRice)-SAED-ISRA—produces 6 tonnes of paddy. With a grain-straw separation rate of 99%, no additional labor is required for sifting and winnowing.270 ASI threshers built in 2 years for a turn over of $ 1,350 000. 

Farmers (who do not have own thresher) can save time, reduce labor demand, reduce grain loss, and enhance double cropping. ASI owners can expect an internal rate of return of 65% and a high cost/benefit ratio (1.73) over the economic life of ASI. Local blacksmiths’ income can be increased. Employment for providing service for threshing can be increased. Indirectly, Governments can get taxes on the importation of the engine, belts and bearing. Banks may be encouraged to provide with loans to farmers and owner of ASI”

Promouvoir la mecanication agricole a travers les cooperatives agricoles -Koffivi Nouwogou UNACOMA
Mechanization from an Industrial Development Perspective -Rajab UNIDO
Agricultural Mechanization in Kenya -Jasper Nkanya MOA KENYA (17 slides)
Sustainable mechanization: public private partnerships -Ignatius ANSEMAT and AGRIEVOLUTION (10 slides)
Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization: Partnership Models / Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) -Hans Z Group (9 slides)
Facilitating small scale farmer’s access to Conservation Agriculture mechanization services. Lessons learnt from EU Funded Conservation Agriculture Scaling Up (CASU) Project in Zambia -Mtendere FAO ZAMBIA (7 slides)
Food security in Sub-Saharan Africa: A Fresh Look on Agricultural Mechanisation -Muller DIE (22 slides)
“Only demand-driven and profitable mechanization has sustainable positive effects. This requires viable business models and risk management.” 

Sarwat Hussain 
“Four experts were commissioned to undertake, through a consultative process, a rapid appraisal of the Sustainable Agricultural Mechanization (SAM) situation in the four sub –regions. This will be the first document which is considering agricultural mechanization at pan-Africa level developed by African experts and subjected to an African wide review process. A Stakeholders workshop is planned in March 2017 to discuss the recommendations in the document.”

Agricultural Mechanization Policy Issues -Mataba University of Botswana (8 slides)
Consultative Meeting on Mechanization: Vignettes and Reflections -Sarwat Hussein WORLDBANK (19 slides)
Charting the way foward (4 slides) 

Video interview
Josef Kienzle (FAO) speaks about mechanization: What is it, how can it improve small farmers’ livelihoods and how does it bring perspectives to the youth in rural areas?


21 January 2016. Istanbul. Fifth World Summit on Agriculture Machinery

