Living territories for sustainable development

  • 26th January 2018
  • by secretary
22-24 January 2018. Montpellier. This conference was organized by CIRAD in partnership with AFD, the CGIAR System Organization and CGIAR Research Program on Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM), the NEPAD, the GFAR, PNUD-ART, AgroParisTech, IAMM, INRA, the RIMISP, Wageningen University, and with the support from the French Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs and the French Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

The objectives were:

  • To highlight new methods and scientific knowledge on territorial approaches to rural development, specifically in the Global South.
  • To showcase successful place-based innovations and projects including organisational and institutional reforms.
  • To analyse and question the conditions of success for territorial development, especially within the context of the implementation of the SDGs.

Living territories to transform the world

July 2017. Nb de pages : 274

What resources underpin the development of a territory? What does territorial management of resources mean? What specific characteristics and opportunities does territorial organization offer for agricultural production, regulation of sectors, and services? How are territorial public policies conceived and applied? What methods and tools can be used for territorial development? This book presents a wide range of studies illustrating how actors, scales and scopes of intervention interact in the development of rural spaces in countries of the Global South.

