WEBINAR: The Caribbean COVID-19 Food Security & Livelihoods Impact Survey

  • 03rd June 2020
  • by secretary

3 June 2020. The Clinton Global Initiative is launching a preparedness series designed to bring together the key stakeholders and leaders from across sectors needed to inform and shape how the CGI Action Network community prepares for — and responds to — this year’s hurricane season.

According to the Caribbean COVID-19 Food Security and Livelihoods Impact Survey launched by CARICOM, small island states are experiencing loss of income, increased food prices, and limited market access due to the pandemic. 

In this webinar attendees heard from voices across the region discussing plans to take immediate steps to restore and strengthen food security for the upcoming hurricane season. Focus was placed on tactical strategies to promote food security, like the adoption of backyard gardening and investing in infrastructure and capacity building.
Recording forthcoming 

Prepared by the World Food Programme with support from the Food and Agriculture Organization, the survey link was shared via social media, email and media.

The economic impacts of the crisis exacerbate the existing risks to food systems posed by high import rates and natural disasters. In an effort to reduce the recent supply chain disruptions and strengthen long-term food security, countries across the region are investing in preparedness and resiliency efforts including the investment in farm infrastructure and food production, the stockpiling of seeds and other inputs, and the promotion of community-level engagement such as the planting backyard gardens. 

  • Welcome – Gauree Patel, Clinton Global Initiative
  • Opening Remarks – Regis Chapman, Head of WFP Barbados, World Food Programme
  • Panel Introduction – Leo Gilling, Chairman, Jamaica Diaspora Taskforce Action Network (JDTAN)
  • Ivonne Gómez, Human Resources Director, Supermercados Econo, Inc. Puerto Rico
  • Nicola Shirley Phillips, Community Economic Development Specialist, Jamaica Diaspora Taskforce Action Network 
  • Jethro Green, Chief Coordinator, Eastern Caribbean Trading Agriculture and Development Organization (ECTAD)