WEBINAR New Methodology for Assessing and Quantifying Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Within a Value Chain

  • 02nd June 2020
  • by secretary
28 May 2020Webinar on New food loss and waste protocol. Organised by the Consortium for Innovation in Post-Harvest Loss and Food Waste Reduction. Wageningen University and Research (WUR) have developed a new methodology for assessing and quantifying loss and waste within a value chain.
Recording forthcoming


Joost Snels: Senior Project Manager Supply Chain Development and Sustainable Food Chains @Wageningen University

  • In his current positions of Senior Project Manager Supply Chain Development and sustainable food chains he combines his 20 years of experience in the field of product quality driven (international) supply chain management with project management. 
  • For 10 years he has been involved in several (international) projects that focus on preventing and reducing food waste and food losses in food chains. 
  • Related to the topic food waste and food losses he plays and played an expert and project management role in several projects, including the Dutch Top Institute Food and Nutrition, the Dutch Top Sector Agri and Food and within EU REFRESH (H2020)
Jan Broeze: Senior Staff Scientist @Wageningen University

  • Jan Broeze has a background in Applied Mathematics and has more than 20 years of experience in understanding causal relations in food processing with a process analysis approach. Main application domains are process optimization and valorisation of by-products. 
  • He holds the position of Senior Scientist, Sustainable Processing and Process Optimisation at Wageningen Food & Biobased Research and contributes to eco-sustainable development of agri-food chains through increasing valorisation of by-products. 
  • He therefore developed a protocol that not only addresses potential uses from a product perspective, but also initiates the development of a marketable and demand- oriented products
  • He plays and played a role in the CCAFS project on Climate-Smart Agriculture (CGIAR) and EU REFRESH (H2020)