PAEPARD Management Team Meeting

  • 22nd March 2018
  • by secretary
8-9 March 2018 . Accra. 15th Management Team Meeting (MTM).

From Mid-April 2017 to July 2017 PAEPARD undertook an external and independent evaluation commissioned by the European Commission. The EC and FARA signed one year no-extra-cost-extension (NECE) agreement in October 2017. According to the agreement, the no-extra-cost-extension will run from 17th December 2017 to 16th December 2018.

The 15th MTM was to plan the activities and implement the strategy of the NECE.

  • Presentations of the technical reports of year 8 activities by WP leaders 
  • Presentation of financial highlights and discussions 
  • Overall presentation of the NECE activities 
  • Planning of NECE activities by work packages 
  • Plenary discussions after presentations of the 3 work packages 
  • Consolidating the NECE work plan and Budget 
  • Discuss the progress made in implementing the CRF and IF; 
  • Discussing the CRF-IF during the NECE 
  • Discussing the after-PAEPARD strategy to be presented to the SC

