HORTINLEA: Connecting Innovators of African Leafy Vegetables in Kenya

  • 05th November 2015
  • by secretary
The Innovation System of African Leafy Vegetables in Kenya
164 pages

Since July, 2013 HORTINLEA is coordinating a research project which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Research, Education and Technology (BMBF) within the Programme “GlobaE – Global Food Security”.

The project HORTINLEA (Horticultural Innovations and Learning for Improved Nutrition and Livelihood in East Africa) is a cooperation of 19 German and East African universities and research institutes. In the frame of the project, they have conducted a new study analysing innovation processes along the value chain of African Indigenous Vegetables in Kenya focusing on their potential to alleviate poverty and malnutrition through income generation and/or improved supply of essential nutrients for the rural and urban poor.

Furthermore, the study focuses on how good agricultural practices and other relevant information and knowledge are shared between stakeholders such as farmers, researchers, development actors and policy-makers.

