Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2016

  • 01st February 2016
  • by secretary
Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2016 agrinatura

14-16 January 2016. Berlin. The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture 2016 brought together keyHow to feed our cities? – Agriculture and rural areas in an era of urbanisation.
international actors from politics, industry, academia and civil society in order to engage in the discussion on :

Extracts of the programme:

  • Rural Transformation in Africa – Opportunities to feed an urbanizing continent. Organiser German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) operated by the GIZ Co-Organiser Global Donor Platform for Rural Development (GDPRD)

The call for urban food security provides important stimulus for

  1. the development of a “New Urban Agenda” by UN HABITAT III (October 2016 in
    Berlin Agriculture Minister Summit 2016


  2. the discussions on food security that are being conducted for the forthcoming G7 and G20 processes;
  3. the work of the Committee on World Food Security on rural transformation and urbanization;
  4. the implementation of the “Milan Urban Food Policy Pact” goals, an initiative of over 100 cities that aims to promote sustainable and socially equitable food and nutrition policies;
  5. national implementation of: • the “2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” (SDGs); • the Paris Agreement of the 21st UN Climate Conference (COP 21); and • the G20 Action Plan on Food Security and Sustainable Food Systems

