Food Security and the achievement of SDGs in Africa: what role of South-South and triangular cooperation

  • 29th September 2019
  • by secretary
23 September 2019. On the sidelines of the World Sustainable Development Summit, the Kingdom of Morocco, the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) organized a High Level Panelon “Food Security and the achievement of SDGs in Africa: what role for South-South and triangularcooperation”.

This panel included a presentation of African inter-governmental initiatives including the triple A initiative which promotes the adaptation of agriculture to climate change and the triple S (Sustainability, Security and Stability) in Africa which aims at stabilizing agricultural production and natural resources in high-risk areas.

Several initiatives have been launched in Africa to intensify South-South and triangular cooperation with the objective of promoting sustainable agriculture which would allow the continent to ensure its food security through capacity building, technology transfer, the financing of climate change actions and political dialogue.

  1. The first initiative, commonly known as Triple A, promotes and fosters the implementation of specific projects to improve soil management, agricultural water control, climate risk management and capacity building & funding solutions. The initiative is an important response not only to climate change, but also to food insecurity. 
  2. The second one triple S is related to Sustainability, Security and Stability in Africa (3S) and aims at creating jobs for young people, women and migrants through the restoration of degraded lands by strengthening land access and tenure rights as well as by enhancing early warning systems to predict drought and other natural disasters and effectively respond to the displacement of populations. 

Regional and international institutions such as Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the African Development Bank (AfDB), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA), the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and other partners are also attaching special importance to food security and sustainable agricultural development.