Comic book and School/Community & Camps on Why Farm?

  • 08th June 2016
  • by secretary

WHYFARM means We Help Youth Farm. It is a not-for-profit organization from Trinidad and Tobago that was developed to help young men and women capitalize on the opportunities and overcome the challenges in the agriculture industry by becoming stronger leaders and more dynamic voices in their local communities.

WhyFarm has created a simple, attractive, convenient, reader friendly fun method in teaching agriculture to youths.

  • WhyFarm has introduced a powerful Food Provider “AgriMan” in the form of a comic book series. He is on a quest to grow future feeders from the ground up.
  • AgriVenture takes on an intense course structure to introduce an Agricultural Adventure for children to be educated about food and nutrition security. With its unique outline it allows for the participants of the course to have fun while simultaneously learning the role in which they can adopt to contribute towards food security. 

