CGIAR gender research and perspectives from Science Leaders

  • 08th March 2019
  • by secretary

CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research is marking International Women’s Day 2019 with videos, interviews and publications from across the CGIAR system, in support of the United Nations’ theme: ‘Think equal, build smart, innovate for change’. 

CGIAR research supports women’s equality and innovation, and Science Leaders reflect critically on CGIAR’s capacity for impact on gender equality. 
  • overcoming institutional inertia; ‘tempered radicals’; 
  • how parboiling technologies developed by AfricaRice are affecting rural women in Cote D’Ivoire; 
  • an interactive timeline from WorldFish outlining how its work on Gender Transformative Approaches has developed since 2012; 
  • one woman’s inspiring life story from the Africa RISING project; 
  • how climate-smart agriculture technologies reduce women’s drudgery; 
  • how migration and income shocks intersect; 
  • how inequalities are shaped by social, economic, political as well as ecological contexts alongside gender; and, much more. 

The World Economic Forum blog features one of the Gender Champions in the CGIAR System Management Board and Director General of the International Water Management Institute, Claudia Sadoff.

