Building the capacities of early-career climate researchers.

  • 07th December 2016
  • by secretary

21-23 November 2016. Accra, Ghana. CAAST-Net Plus held a second pilot workshop aimed at building the capacities of early-career climate researchers.

The format, first piloted in Kigali in June, consisted of two morning sessions with technical presentations focused on the theme of sustainable agricultural intensification and on funding options for research on this theme. Afternoons were reserved for group sessions, in which participants interacted with presenters, seeking advice on how to refine the research project proposals.

Workshop participants travelled from Benin, Botswana, Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria and Uganda. All participants are early-career African researchers with a professional interest in the issue of sustainable agriculture intensification. Out of 40 proposals submitted by prospective participants, invitations were extended to 14 researchers. The workshop ended with a field trip to Humberg Farms in Anum in the Eastern Region of Ghana, where the concepts discussed were revisited in practice.

“This [workshop represents] an embryo of a platform we want to institutionalise as part of our legacy. The aim is to bridge the gross asymmetry between Europe and Sub-Saharan Africa. We have brought together experts on research funding and climate change research, with a particular focus on sustainable agriculture intensification, from academia, the public and private sectors, to provide you with guidance and feedback.” Arne Tostensen, Research Council of Norway


