Blending4Ag: innovative partnerships for agricultural finance

  • 18th November 2016
  • by secretary

7- 8 November 2016. Brussels. By focusing on the practicalities of blending finance for agriculture, this conference aimed to contribute to the knowledge base on how this can best be done, and to bring together key stakeholders who, working together, can catalyse the change towards more impactful public sector funding of agriculture.

Most discussion of blended finance has been on healthcare, financial services and infrastructure, in line with the major activities funded in this manner. In its 2015 survey, OECD/WEF found that among respondents, only 4.7% of blended finance had been for food and agriculture. 

Given the role of public funding for smallholder finance (and also, the new interest of the European Union in blended finance for agriculture, through its AgriFI initiative), it made sense to engage in a specific debate on how blending tools can be used to leverage finance for agriculture. 
This debate involved not just international public financiers, but also developing country governments as well as the entities that are able to cross the distance between international financiers on the one hand, and farmers on the other. Best placed are developing country commercial banks, value chain actors and NGOs active in agricultural value chain development.

Extracts of the programme:

