Annual seminar of the Hungarian National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre

  • 11th May 2016
  • by secretary

11 May 2016. Budapest, Hungary.  The Hungarian National Agricultural Research and Innovation Centre (Naik)’s lectures gave this year an insight in domestic and foreign research aimed at addressing climate change and global challenges.

Extract of the programme:

  • Introducing the Platform for African European Partnership on Agricultural Research for

    Development (PAEPARD) (Rémi Kahane, CIRAD / PAEPARD, in English)

  • GCARD3, Lessons Learned (Somogyi Norbert)
  • East Africa and the role of livestock production in ILRI (Bernard Lukuyu, ILRI, English language)
  • Biosciences Eastern and Central Africa-HUB (ILRI-BECA-HUB-Kenya), the role of the the development of African agriculture (Appolinaire Djikeng, ILRI, English language)
  • potato production in Morocco a: Hungarian scientific knowledge and varieties and market opportunities (Zsolt Polgar, Bánfalvi Sophia)
  • Why Partnership is useful with Hungary on the wheat resistance breeding in Kenya, The Kenya Agriculture and Livestock Research Organization (KALRO)  (Jenes Barnabas, Tar Melinda)
  • Algerian agriculture in the context of the current geopolitical system (Norbert Somogyi)
  • Nepal‘s agriculture and forestry and agricultural research in the XXI century and in the light of the global challenges (Jenes Barnabas et al)
  • Forestry and forestry research in Argentina (Attila Borovics)
  • Italian experience – table grape production and climate change (Lazar John et al)
  • Climate Change and Adaptation in an ever warmer climate? (Gócza Elena, Kristina Liptói)
  • Argentina‘s agriculture in the crossfire of global challenges – it is possible to provide food and preserve our natural world resources? (Stephen Anton et al)
  • Agro Forestry Morocco (Attila Borovics, Norbert Somogyi)

