Agriculture at COP Marrakesh

  • 07th November 2016
  • by secretary
9 November 2016. Marrakesh. The role of farmers in implementing the Paris Agreement. 

  • Organised by the World Farmers’ Organisation (WFO) and the International Fertilizer Industry Association (IFA).
  • Discussion about farming’s role in meeting the world’s food security and nutritional needs whilst contributing to the delivery of the COP21 Agreement. Opportunities to improve productivity and enhance sequestration, alongside building resilience and maintaining production will be identified. 
  • Speakers: Evelyn Nguleka (WFO), CCAFS, IFA Representative and representatives from international organisations on animal health and trade

9 November 2016Adaptation Fund – What next? On past experiences and future prospects for the Adaptation Fund

  • Organised by: GERMANWATCH , Indigo Development and Change, Observatoire du Sahara et du Sahel (OSS)
  • Discussion: The first part will feature lessons from engaging stakeholders in the project design and implementation phase of AF projects and discuss proactive options for the future of the AF. The second part will showcase experiences from the OSS, particularly on accessing and mobilising finance. 
  • Speakers: Adaptation Fund, Germanwatch, Adaptation Fund NGO Network, New Climate Institute, OSS, Funds ACCF/Africa Development Bank, delegates from Uganda and Tunisia


8 November 2016. Access to means of implementation a key concern for Africa Post-Paris
  • Organised by: African Development Bank Group (AfDB) and Association La Voûte Nubienne (AVN)
  • Discussion: The side event co-organized by the AfDB and partners will focus on identifying the Africa-specific challenges, options & needs for the successful implementation of Paris Agreement such as: finance, institutional and human capacity development, policy reforms & technology development and transfer. 
  • Speakers: – The President of the AfDB – Director -Quality Assurance and Results

8 November 2016. Zambia and Renewable Energy: Rural Electrification Technology Transfer & Hydropower Vulnerability

  • Organised by: University of Cape Town (UCT) 
  • Discussion: Zambia’s NDC goals in off-grid renewable energy for rural electrification include innovative technology partnerships with China, Denmark & UNDP. At the same time, responding to climate impacts on hydropower in Zambia requires integrated planning, adaptive design & strong cross-sectoral institutions 
  • Speakers: Zambia Govt representative, Zambia UNDP representative, Chinese Govt representative, Randall Spalding-Fecher, University of Cape Town/Carbon Limits/GERERE Francis Yamba, CEEEZ Marcus Wishart or Ijeoma Emenanjo, World Bank

