A strategic approach to EU agricultural research & innovation final paper

  • 21st July 2016
  • by secretary

A strategic approach to EU agricultural research & innovation final paper

July 2016. 40 pages

The year-long process to develop a strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation has successfully come to an end with the publication of the final paper.

This final paper incorporates the outcomes of the ‘Designing the path’ conference held in January 2016.

The strategy aims to harness EU investments in the Framework Programme for Research and Innovation in view of the following main objectives: ensure food security in the long term; address the environmental sustainability and resilience of competitive land-based primary production for food and non-food systems; and boost the sustainable growth of rural territories. In addition, the strategy seeks to improve the delivery of research results for policy use.

The strategy focuses on land-based primary production from agriculture and forestry and extends to food and non-food chains and the rural economy. Five priority areas for research and innovation have been identified, and clustered under two thematic headings.

Creating value from land – sustainable primary production: 

  1. Priority 1: Resource management (notably soil, water and biodiversity) 
  2. Priority 2: Healthier plants and animals 
  3. Priority 3: Integrated ecological approaches from farm to landscape level. 

Enhancing rural innovation – modernising rural areas and policies:

  1. Priority 4: New openings for rural growth 
  2. Priority 5: Enhancing the human and social capital in rural areas.

6 July 2016. Noordwijk, the Netherlands.

4 – 6 July 2016. Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
A strategic approach to EU agricultural research and innovation

26-28/01/2016. Brussels

