IDRC’s Towards a Food Secure Future

  • 11th October 2018
  • by secretary
3-4 October 2018. Ottawa, Canada. Towards a Food Secure Future. This event was live streamed and posted on IDRC’s YouTube channel and GAC’s YouTube channel and Facebook page.

Session 1: Sustainable agricultural production

Innocent Butare, CIFSRF Senior program specialist, IDRC
CIFSRF projects:
Roshan Pudaisani, former Principal investigator (Nepal, Sustainable Agriculture Kits)
Alfred Kojo Yeboah, former Project coordinator (Ghana, ICT extension services)
David Wallace, former Principal investigator (South Africa, livestock vaccine)
Panel experts:
Isabelle Vandeplas, Program development officer, CECI
Etienne Hainzelin, President’s advisor, CIRAD

Download Abstract

Session 2: Nutrition and health outcomes

Annie Wesley, CIFSRF Senior program specialist, IDRC
CIFSRF projects:
Sue Horton, former Principal investigator (Tanzania, fortified oil)
Nguyen Do Huy, former Principal investigator (Vietnam, food processing)
Teresa Mosquera, former Principal investigator (Colombia, potatoes)
Panel experts:
Paula Tenaglia, Director of Operations, Action Against Hunger
Lynnette Neufeld, Director, Knowledge Leadership, Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition 
Colleen Emary, Technical Advisor, Health and Nutrition, World Vision International

Download Abstract

28 September 2018. The Government of Canada, through IDRC and Global Affairs Canada, has released a comprehensive report (116 pages) highlighting the lasting impact of its nine-year, CA$124.5 million Canadian International Food Security Research Fund (CIFSRF).

  • The report represents the collective efforts of the many people who dedicated their time and expertise to the CIFSRF initiative. 
  • This includes the farmers and community members at the forefront of the effort to validate and test food security innovations, the international research teams driving these innovations, and the development specialists who secured the necessary financial resources and partnerships to bring these projects to life. 
  • Together, they worked to develop and scale up innovations to increase production, access to, and consumption of safe and nutritious food.
  • Canada created CIFSRF nine years ago to push the boundaries of research and development funding by supporting practical innovations that directly improve the lives of the poor and food insecure. 
  • CIFSRF used competitive calls to identify and select the best research ideas from strong and capable teams. Nearly a decade later, the results are clear: a wide-ranging portfolio of innovative and successful projects that have changed millions of lives for the better.

