Using soy recipes to earn money.

  • 17th August 2018
  • by secretary
6 August 2018. The Tasty! Mozambique Project has just released a new training video for Soybean Innovation Lab (SIL) partners and extension agents to use to promote the women-led enterprise. SIL researcher and University of Missouri scientist Dr. Nina Furstenau has been working with women in rural villages in Mozambique to develop the income generation project that involves using soy recipes to earn money.

Using a prototype hand grinder and strainer, the women entrepreneurs are making soy-enhanced biscuits called “spare change” and selling them at roadside stands to passersby, children, etc. Adding soy to the biscuits provides the customers with a delicious and high-quality source of protein and the entrepreneurs are able to earn money to reinvest in their baking enterprises. A small amount of the profits are held back from each sale to raise funds to purchase other materials and tools to continue the enterprise. The women also become trainers for the next group of women entrepreneurs.

As profits grow, other women have been inspired to form new working groups, and the process becomes self-sustaining. The soy-enhanced food products the women produce and sell also help to bring better nutrition into home kitchens to alleviate malnutrition common in the area.

The video is designed to be used by the women in the group, along with the recipe cards and cookbook from the Tasty! Mozambique project.

Access the Tasty! Mozambique cookbook (In Portuguese) 

