USAID Investments in Developing Country Agriculture and Food Security

  • 09th August 2018
  • by secretary

8 August 2018. Webinar. BIFAD Public Meeting: US Benefits and Capabilities Leveraged from Strategic USAID Investments in Developing Country Agriculture and Food Security.

A new study being commissioned by BIFAD will analyze US benefits and capabilities leveraged from strategic USAID investments in developing country agriculture and food security.

A team led by Dr. Joseph Glauber will implement the study. He is a Senior Research Fellow at the International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and served over 30 years at the US Department of Agriculture, including as Chief Economist from 2008 to 2014. He was elected Fellow of AAEA in 2012.

At this web streamed meeting (video forthcoming), participants: 
  1. reviewed and provided feedback on a draft conceptual framework characterizing the channels by which USAID food and agricultural development investments in developing countries affect the American economy; 
  2. identified the types and assess the quality of evidence available to estimate the importance of the channels; and 
  3. suggested other data sources for consideration in the study.

