Guidelines on Innovation Platforms in R4D

  • 16th August 2017
  • by secretary

Guidelines for Innovation Platforms in Agricultural Research for Development. Decision support for research, development and funding agencies on how to design, budget and implement impactful Innovation Platforms.
Schut, M., Andersson, J.A., Dror, I., Kamanda, J., Sartas, M., Mur, R., Kassam, S., Brouwer, H., Stoian, D., Devaux, A., Velasco, C., Gramzow, A., Dubois, T., Flor, R.J., Gummert, M., Buizer, D., McDougall, C., Davis, K., Homann-Kee Tui, S., Lundy, M., 2017. International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and Wageningen University (WUR) under the CGIAR Research Program on Roots Tubers and Bananas (RTB), Kigali, Rwanda.

46 pages

The guidelines support funders and project developers in thinking about when and in what form innovation platforms can contribute effectively to achieving research and development objectives.

It provides information on key design and implementation principles, the financial and human resources that need to be made available, and makes suggestions for more effective monitoring, evaluation and learning.

The guidelines also contain reference materials, Frequently Asked Questions and a decision support tool for research, development and funding agencies.

“We need to think more critically about when, how and in what form innovation platforms can meaningfully contribute to agricultural development impacts. Some time ago, I noticed that I was becoming increasingly annoyed with the innovation platform approach being opted as a silver bullet solution in agricultural research for development programs – especially for the sole purpose of disseminating (technological) agricultural innovations,” Dr Marc Schut, the lead author of a new booklet

This publication was developed with support from the CGIAR Research Program on Roots, Tubers, and Bananas (RTB).
Webinar 23/08 Changing sorghum breeding in Mali through gender insights
This webinar will discuss the gender-related findings of the sorghum breeding program at ICRISAT, which ensured that end-users’ preferences and needs are addressed through specific activities at multiple stages designed to include women and men. The session will feature presentations from two experts involved in the program (below) and a moderated discussion with the audience.

