Rural employment and agricultural models

  • 12th May 2017
  • by secretary
10th May 2017. European Parliament, Brussels. « Rural employment and agricultural models: Issues and experiences shared from Europe, the Mediterranean Basin and Africa ». This event was organised by Agropolis International Association and its members –Bioversity International, CIHEAM/IAM.M, CIRAD, CNRS, INRA, IRD, IRSTEA, Montpellier SupAgro.

Objectives of the event :

  • Show the contribution of the scientific community research actions regarding the global issues related to agriculture for development, food security and fight against malnutrition linked to climate change,
  • Highlight the link between science and rural employment directly related to production as well as indirect and induced employment,
  • Present some achievements of the regional Agropolis scientific community in Montpellier, focusing of flagship projects

Extracts of the program 
Eric Andrieu, European Deputy for the South-West constituency of France, S and D Coordinator for Agriculture and Rural Development

Agricultural references framework and exchanges about their coexisting modalities

  • Petra Berkhout, Wageningen University & Research (The Netherlands) 
  • Ms Fati N’zi-Hassane , Chief of Staff of Ibrahim Hassane Mayaki, NEPAD Executive Secretary and Head of the Human Capital Development Programme of NEPAD (South Africa)

Issues of research and partnership: what are the priorities for integrating research on agricultural and environmental questions between Eu agricultural and environmental questions between European, Mediterranean and Afric ropean, Mediterranean and African collaborating teams? collaborating teams?

  • Ms Ouafaa Fassi Fehri, Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire, IAV Hassan II (Morocco) 
  • Bernard Hubert, President, Agropolis International (Montpellier, France)

Poster presentation:

  1. NIPN: National Information Platforms for Nutrition: Strenthening capacity to analyse data to track progress, inform policies and improve programmes for better nutrition 
  2. PROIntensAfrica: Harnessing the potential of various intensification pathways for food and nutrition security and sustainable agriculture 
  3. HNV Link: A European Network on High Nature Value farming. Learning, Innovation, Knowledge 
  4. An innovative concept: Laboratories Without Walls, an instrument to pave the way to new synergies 
  5. CoOPLAaGE – Coupling innovative tools for sharing change in socio-environmental systems 
  6. Digit’Ag: The Digital Agriculture Convergence Lab 
  7. IAVAO: Increasing agriculture productivity and resilience in West Africa: Dryland cereals

    improvement strategies in WA for diversified agricultural models and adaptation to changing environments.
    Partners:  L’Institut Sénégalais de Recherches Agricoles (Isra) Le Centre d’Etude Régionale pour l’Amélioration de l’Adaptation à la Sécheresse (Ceraas) Le Conseil Ouest et Centre Africain pour la Recherche et le Développement Agricoles (Coraf/Wecard) L’Université de Thiès (UT) au Sénégal L’Institut de l’Environnement et de Recherches Agricoles (Inera) au Burkina Faso L’Institut d’Economie Rurale (IER) au Mali L’Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique du Niger (Inran) Le Centre de coopération Internationale en Recherche Agronomique pour le Développement (Cirad) en France L’Institut national d’études supérieures en sciences agronomiques de Montpellier (Montpellier SupAgro) en France

  8. Which agricultural model for youth employment? 
  9. Initiative 4 pour 1000, les sols pour la sécurité alimentaire et le climat 
  10. E-SPACE: Improving epidemiosurveillance of Mediterranean and tropical plant diseases 
  11. Similar social and ecological mechanisms underpin the sustainability of two traditional floodplain fisheries separated by an ocean and by thousands of years of history 
  12. Greater banana diversity contributes to capacity development and improved rural livelihoods in Africa

A new, revised and supplemented edition of the atlas was officially launched at the second Africa Rural Development Forum, organized by NEPAD in Yaoundé from 8 to 10 September 2016.

  • The atlas reports on the dynamics at play within the rural world in Africa and on territorial restructuring within the continent.
  • It relates data on demographics, population, urbanization and resource use with spatial and economic dynamics, both on a continental scale and through several regional examples. It is a totally original tool, and is intended to fuel the debate on the main regional and continental development issues.
  • It was published jointly by CIRAD and NEPAD (New Partnership for Africa’s Development, a technical body of the African Union), with financial support from the Agence française de développement (AFD), and fits in with NEPAD’s new Rural Futures Programme, which is intended to support territorial dynamics and structural change for sustainable development of the continent.
  • It was presented to the European Union, the main donors in the rural sector and African Heads of State at the African Union Summit in Addis Ababa in late January 2017.

The Foreword, the introduction and the 24 spreads can be downloaded below:




18-19 May 2017. Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa: 1st Partners Meeting
The first Partners Meeting of the Initiative for Food and Nutrition Security in Africa (IFNA) displays collaboration among the partners in exploring and identifying possible solutions through the Initiative with a view to achieving food and nutrition security in Africa. This event will provide an opportunity to share good practices, challenges and lessons among partners based on the common understanding of IFNA’s goals.

