GFAR webinar: Challenging Development and Research Communications

  • 22nd March 2017
  • by secretary
22 March 2017. This webinar covered communications as a “process for change” rather than for promotion or awareness-raising communications: using communications for knowledge creation and sharing, participatory or social learning, creative participatory project synthesis and writeshops or learning briefs. How to work with multi-stakeholder platforms, or use tools like participatory video or farm radio..?


  • Michael Victor (CGIAR Research Program on Water, Land and Ecosystems): Introduction/teaser into the topic
  • Meredith Giordano (Principal Researcher and U.S. Representative for the International Water Management Institute – IWMI).): Project synthesis (and its

    communications) from a researcher’s point of view

  • Peter Ballantyne (head of communications and knowledge management at the International Livestock Research Institute – ILRI): Social learning, participatory comms, tools and processes to create and share knowledge (with some of ILRI’s


  • Julian Gonsalves (Senior Advisor for Asia at the International Institute of Rural Reconstruction (IIRR) Philippines): Repackaging research, using ‘write shops’ as an example 
  • Fisher Qua (Principal Practitioner at Back Loop Consulting): How to use multi-stakeholder

    platforms (with the Mekong dialogue as example)

  • Juliet Braslow (ex-CIAT, has worked with farmers and rural communities internationally for

    the past 10 years): Video to engage farmers as a learning, empowering, and farmer to farmer exchange tool.

  • Karen Hampson ( (Regional Program Manager, ESA, Farm Radio International): Using farm radio and mobile phones as a way to reach farmers with research


  • Beatrice Makwenda, Head of Policy and Communication for the National Smallholder Farmers’ Association of Malawi (NASFAM) replace due to technical issues by Fancois Stepman (PAEPARD) presented: The uptake and communications

    of aflatoxin research findings in Malawi and Zambia

