The role of consumers for sustainable food and nutrition systems

  • 12th October 2016
  • by secretary

11 October 2016. Brussels. In the context of the FOOD2030 conference “Research and Innovation for Tomorrow’s Nutrition and Food Systems”, the European Agricultural Research towards greater impact on global CHallenges (ARCH) jointly organised a Pre Event with other SCAR Strategic Working Groups AKIS and Food Systems as well as DGs RTD, AGRI and DEVCO on the role of consumers in the sustainable consumption and production in Europe and in developing countries.

The Pre Event show-cased examples of practical initiatives of the role of consumers from
which lessons may be drawn; investigate measures providing incentive to link various
stakeholder groups and also examine linkages between research and innovation policies both
at EU and national levels.
  • The role of consumers in different countries and regions will be highlighted to contribute to more resilient and sustainable food and nutrition systems.
  • The outcomes of the Pre Event will contribute to the DG RTD FOOD 2030 Conference and address the need to include the consumer’s perspective to create greater impact on global challenges by European Food and Nutrition Security research.

Extract of the programme

  • Shifting Consumption: Lessons from market transformations by Daniel Vennhard, World Resources Institute
  • A new paradigm for sustainable food systems by Emile Frison, CGIAR
  • Are local food systems more sustainable than global food systems? by Gianluca Brunori, Glamor project
  • Making sustainable food choices easier for consumers by Camille Perrin, European Consumer Organisation
  • Serving food for change, by Jorrit Kiewik, Youth Food Movement

A Joint EIARD SCAR Strategic Working Group – ARCH – was established in September 2013 in order to improve linkages between Agricultural Research and Agricultural Research for Development aiming at identifying and working towards ways to increase the contribution of European Agricultural Research investments to the solution of global challenges.

  • Agricultural Research (AR) focusses on national needs within Europe whereas Agricultural Research for Development (ARD) is dedicated to collaboration with and in developing countries working towards the Millennium Development Goals.
  • European Agricultural Research must now also focus on global challenges such as food security and climate change. At national, European and at global level Agricultural Research and Agricultural Research for Development activities are fragmented and could benefit from better coordination. Cooperation between EIARD and SCAR through the Joint EIARD-SCAR Strategic Working Group will strengthen Europe’s position in solving global issues that are the common interest and commitment of Europe and the global community.
  • For brief information please use the following link:Brief information about ARCH
  • For a folder about ARCH please print from this link:Folder about ARCH

