African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) Extension Week

  • 26th November 2019
  • by secretary
25-29 November 2019. Abidjan (Cote d’Ivoire). The African Forum for Agricultural Advisory Services (AFAAS) organized, in partnership with the West and Central Africa Network of Agricultural and Rural Advisory Services (RESCAR-AOC), the National Agency for Rural Development (ANADER) and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of Cote d’Ivoire, the 4th Africa-Wide Agricultural Extension Week back to back with the continental Agricultural and Animal Resources Fair (SARA) under the theme “Private Sector and Agricultural Advisory Services: What Synergies for Sustainable Agricultural Development in Africa” 
The AFAAS Africa Wide Agricultural Extension Week (AEW) is an international event that brings together averagely 600 participants from across Africa and the World to take stock on a strategic theme for a better contribution of agricultural extension and advisory to sustainable development in Africa. Its purpose is to facilitate processes for improving the use of knowledge, technologies and innovations by agricultural value chain actors to achieve their individual and national development goals.
The context of the 4th AEW is characterized by growing efforts at national, regional and international levels to make agriculture in Africa more productive, profitable and sustainable. This transformation expected to lead to increased technical, economic and environmental performances of agricultural value chains entails a paradigm and operational shift from farming for subsistence to farming for business i.e. sustainable wealth creation.