Sustainably develop vanilla cultivation in Madagascar

  • 08th January 2019
  • by secretary

© Dariusz Misztal, Federal Minister of the Environment Svenja Schulze presented Dr. Ing. Heinz-Jürgen Bertram, CEO of Symrise AG, the award in the category Germany’s most sustainable large-scale enterprise8 December 2018. Symrise has won this year’s German Sustainability Award 2019 in the category “large-scale enterprise”. Every year, Europe’s largest award ceremony for ecological and social commitment honors exemplary sustainability achievements in business, municipalities and research. This year, Symrise convinced the jury in addition to its commitment to climate protection with its commitment to conserving biodiversity and promoting the living conditions of smallholders along the supply chain. As one of the three largest fragrance and flavor manufacturers worldwide, Symrise sources its raw materials from different ecosystems in various countries.

Including from Madagascar (see factsheet). Four-fifths of the vanilla produced for the food industry is sourced there. In order to sustainably develop vanilla cultivation in Madagascar in the long term, Symrise has been cooperating with the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH since 2010. 

  • The German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) promotes the development partnership as part of the programme. 
  • The work on sustainable vanilla production by the project partners enables around 10,000 families to improve their livelihoods. 
  • Since 2013, more than 5,000 farmers have successfully received vocational training in cropping methods, farm management and product diversification.
  • The low-yielding period was reduced, productivity in vanilla cultivation has risen by an average of 20 percent and Symrise receives sustainably cultivated vanilla of the highest quality.

The development partnership is supported by the programme, which was set up by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to foster the involvement of the private sector in areas where business opportunities and development policy initiatives overlap.

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