Farmers fighting climate change in developing countries

  • 23rd November 2018
  • by secretary
22 November 2018. Brussels. European Parliament. Farmers fighting climate change in developing countries.

Farmers Fighting Poverty provides support and services aiming at strengthening organisational functioning, reinforcing organisational core competences and enhancing an organisation’s position in agro-food value chains.

Farmers’ organisations have four main Organisational functions:

  1. Representing members’ interests 
  2. Economic activities, often in cooperative form 
  3. Technical activities such as advice and training for farmers 
  4. Delivering public goods such as natural resource management, environmental protection etc. 

Core competences Agri-agencies categorise competence-related challenges under four headings:

  1. Ensuring the full commitment of members, board, management and staff 
  2. Providing economic and representation services to members 
  3. Networking and attracting resources 
  4. Adapting and innovating.



AgriCord is a non-profit development alliance that has official development assistance (ODA) status with the OECD. As an alliance, AgriCord operates via its members, the agri-agencies, and supports on average more than 200 farmers’ organisations per year in more than 50 developing countries.

Farmers Fighting Poverty has, since 2007, received technical and financial support from: • DGIS, Directorate General for International Cooperation, the Netherlands • ACDI/CIDA, Canadian Agency for Development Cooperation • MFAF, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Finland • SIDA, Swedish International Development Agency • AFD, Agence Française de Développement • IFAD, International Fund for Agricultural Development • DGD, Directorate General for Development, Belgium • EU, the European Union (with the technical support of IFAD) • SDC, Swiss Development Cooperation. 

