The AU-EU Innovation Agenda Working document Version of 14 February 2022 *#38
– A joint working group of the AU-EU HLPD on STI took stock of previous and ongoing joint R&I activities:
– Extract: *”Differences in the capacities between AU and EU innovation players (universities, research institutions, incubators, accelerators, investors, venture capitalists, private equity firms, governments), and approaches, (combining capacity empowerment and enabling
**environment upgrading), need to be taken into account, together with respecting principles of a just transition approach.” *(page 26)
– See PAEPARD blogpost
GCF (2021) Accelerating and scaling up climate innovation: How the Green Climate Fund’s approach can deliver new climate solutions for developing countries <> November 2021, *# 36 p*
– This Working Paper first identifies the main barriers to climate innovation in developing countries
– Extract: “*There are estimated to be around 2,000 technology incubators and more than 150 accelerators worldwide. However, less than 70 are estimated to be climate technology incubators and accelerators. Due to fiscal constraints, just 25 of these are in developing countries
(…) * *The KawiSafi Fund makes investments of USD 2-10 million in 10 to 15 clean energy small and medium-sized enterprises in **Kenya and Rwanda.*
– See PAEPARD blog post
*# 52 p*
– This paper provides a framework for donors for re-thinking the food system agenda, providing a set of responses and priorities for the donor
community to engage.
– See PAEPARD blogpost
IFAD (2022) IFAD and the European Union: Partnering to transform rural realities <>
*#62 p.*
– *The partnership has built the capacities of farmers’ organizations in Africa and Asia to provide their members with access to finance, agricultural inputs and a voice in policymaking processes. In terms of innovative finance, the EU and IFAD have developed, with other partners, the Agribusiness Capital (ABC) Fund, which provides much smaller loans than other funds. Furthermore, the EU and IFAD are mobilizing the massive potential of migrants’ remittances for rural development through the Financing Facility for Remittances*
– See PAEPARD blogpost
World Bank Group (2020).Transformative Climate Finance : A New Approach for Climate Finance to Achieve Low-Carbon Resilient Development in Developing Countries <>
<>*# 53 p.*
– This report analyses options to make international public climate finance more transformative. It identifies eight sets of levers to drive climate action:
– See PAEPARD blogpost
– Related blogpost: AFCIA: the Adaptation Fund Climate Innovation
– Related blogpost: The Kenya Agricultural Carbon Project
breaking new ground in designing and implementing climate finance projects
in the agricultural sector.
NL-CGIAR (2022) Open for business – Pathways to strengthen CGIAR’s responsible private sector engagement <>
Strategic Partnership. #*45p*
– This report includes three next steps that CGIAR can immediately take to start tapping into the enormous potential and opportunities available with private sector engagement:
– Extract: “*Some engagement mechanisms are more common place and their effectiveness has been studied (e.g., innovation platforms), whereas others (e.g., start-ups and scaling incubators) are newer to CGIAR and its partners, requiring exploration, testing and fine-tuning. Each of the engagement mechanisms comes with its own specific advantages and disadvantages, challenges and opportunities”.* (page 25)
– See: PAEPARD blogpost
GCRF-AFRICAP (2022) Agricultural and food system resilience: Increasing capacity and advising policy <>
A Global Challenges Research Fund programme to help agriculture and food production in sub Saharan Africa become more productive, sustainable and resilient to climate change. *#36 p.*
– Over 200 experts from the GCRF (Global Challenges Research Fund)
-Agricultural and Food System Resilience: Increasing Capacity and Advising Policy (AFRICAP) project spent four years working with governments, civil society and the private sector in *Malawi, South Africa, Tanzania and Zambia* to build an evidence base for making sub-Saharan agriculture more productive, sustainable and resilient.
– See PAEPARD blogpost
Voora, V., Larrea, C., Huppé, G., & Nugnes, F. (2022). IISD’s State of Sustainability Initiatives review: Standards and investments in sustainable agriculture <>.
International Institute for Sustainable Development *#208 p.*
– This report looks at voluntary sustainability standards (VSSs) from the investor’s perspective and shows that sustainability standards can reduce financial risks and promote synergies between sound business practices and better environmental and social performance to catalyze much-needed investment in sustainable agriculture.
– A subsection of the report presents commodity investment profiles for the *banana, cocoa, coffee, cotton, **palm oil, soybean, sugarcane, and tea *sectors, where VSSs in agriculture are most active.
– Extract: *Blended finance models that share risk between public and private stakeholders offer great promise to mobilize desperately needed financial resources to increase agricultural production while enhancing the ecosystems and supporting the communities that underpin agriculture.*
– See PAEPARD blogpost </>
(See PAEPARD blogpost <> )
consultation <> on the working document of the joint African Union (AU)-European Union (EU) Innovation Agenda – The online consultation survey will be available
and Pacific States in the long-term. The OECD has been asked to support this survey in the framework of a project aimed at developing a methodology for structured stakeholder engagement in the EU-OACPS Partnership. (See PAEPARD blogpost <>)*
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