
IROICA pre-conference at Czech University of LifeSciences Prague (CZU)

  • 20th June 2022
  • by secretary
Agrinatura News

Czech University of LifeSciences Prague (CZU) hosted the pre-conference of our partner organisation the International Relations Officers’ Network of the Association of European Life Science Universities (IROICA). IROICA is the European network of international relations officers at Higher Education Institutions (HEI) in agricultural and related sciences. IROICA is a Standing Committee within the Association for European Life Science Universities (ICA). This year 25th IROICA conference was hosted at Czech Republic divided in two pre-conference hosted by CZU and main conference organised by Mendel University in Brno. Agrinatura attended the two-day pre-conference in Prague on 6th and 7th June. Main topic of the conference was internationalisation and role of English language. The pre-conference was full of interesting topics followed by lively discussions. Participants had also possibility to visit the campus and other CZU facilities outside of Prague. Agrinatura had the opportunity to meet colleagues from our partner universities such as KU Luven, UGhent, l’Institute Agro, and many others.
