Global Nutrition Report (GNR) is refreshing its Independent Expert Group (IEG)

  • 08th January 2018
  • by secretary
Agrinatura News

The Global Nutrition Report (GNR) is refreshing its Independent Expert Group (IEG). We are looking to create a dynamic and innovative group who will guide and help draft the content of future GNRs. We need experts from within the nutrition community and also way beyond that. Please take a look at our blog post to see the criteria and process, and nominate yourself, or submit any nominations of others.


See posting here:


In order to ensure the call reaches widely within and beyond the nutrition community, we would be grateful if you could circulate through your networks and twitter feeds.




Please submit a CV and 200 word statement why this person is being nominated or why you are selecting yourself. The statement should show how the person is suitable for the IEG in light of the expertise, responsibilities and expectations listed above. Please submit your nominations to by January 15, 2018.

Selection Process:

Chairs plus three Stakeholder Group members (representing different constituencies) to be approved by the Stakeholder Group, by February 10, 2018. Nominations who are selected in the first round will be asked to submit a declaration of interests to be considered for final selection. The aim is to have up to 15 members over a three-year term.

The deadline is 25 January 2017.
