|Press Release| Country Statements and Ministerial Communique from 15th RUFORUM AGM 2019

  • 22nd January 2020
  • by secretary
Agrinatura News

Country Statements and Ministerial Communique from the Ministerial Policy Dialogue Round Table held during the 15th RUFORUM Annual General Meeting in Ghana


Kampala 21, January 2020 As part of the 15th Annual General Meeting activities held in December 2019 at the University of Cape Coast Ghana, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) organised a Joint Meeting of Ministers responsible for Agriculture, Education & Training, Science, Technology and Innovation on 5th December 2019 and Development Partners. This Ministerial Policy Dialogue Round Table focused on promoting Africa wide cooperation in the Field of Agriculture, Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation.

The Dialogue was a follow up to the previous Ministerial meetings held in October 2016 in Cape Town, South Africa and in October 2018 in Nairobi, Kenya. These meetings agreed on key action points and tasked RUFORUM to consult with Member States and other Actors to develop Regional/ Continental initiatives to strengthen Higher Agricultural Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in African universities, so that the universities are better placed to contribute to meeting development needs of the Member States and attainment of Agenda 2063.

In the same vein, the Committee of Ten Heads of State Summit (C10) of November 2018 in Lilongwe, Malawi tasked RUFORUM to engage African universities to respond to key development challenges and strategies aimed at accelerating attainment of the aspirations outlined in key continental frameworks especially the Comprehensive Africa Agricultural Development Programme (CAADP), Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA) and the Continental Education Strategy for Africa (CESA), amongst others.

The Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) presents to you the Country Statements and Ministerial Communique as outcomes of the Ministerial Policy Dialogue Round Table dialogue which deliberated on the participation of Member States in five continental initiatives that were developed by RUFORUM Secretariat based on the recommendations of the Ministerial meetings of October 2016 held in Cape Town, South Africa, October 2018 held in Nairobi, Kenya, and tasks assigned to RUFORUM by the Committee of Ten Heads of State Summit (C10) of 2-3 November 2018 in Lilongwe, Malawi. The RUFORUM Secretariat will reach out to the Member States and Development Partners to follow up on the key recommendations of the Ghana deliberations and C10 tasks assigned to RUFORUM.




Notes to Editors: Established by African university Vice Chancellors in 2004, the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) is a consortium of 125 African universities operating in 38 countries on the continent with a vision to create “a vibrant agricultural sector linked to African universities which produce high-performing graduates and high-quality research responsive to the demands of Africa’s farmers for innovations and able to generate sustainable livelihoods and national economic development”. RUFORUM Secretariat is hosted by the Ministry of Education and Sports in Uganda with Secretariat at Makerere University in Kampala. In 2014, RUFORUM signed an MoU with the African Union Commission to support implementation of the Science, Technology and Innovation Strategy for Africa (STISA 2024) Priority One on reducing poverty and ensuring food and nutrition security. As of August 2019, RUFORUM has supported the training of 1,919 MSc and 526 PhD graduates of whom 94% work in their home countries or region, generated over 300 agricultural technologies and mobilized over US$208 million for strengthening postgraduate education in Africa. Please visit www.ruforum.org for more information. For additional information, photos and interviews, contact the RUFORUM Corporate Communications & Advocacy Officer below; Name: Maureen Agena Corporate Communications, & Advocacy Officer Email: communications@ruforum

Name: Maureen Agena; Corporate Communications, & Advocacy Officer Email: communications@ruforum.org
