NIPN Gathered in Paris in July 3-5, 2018

  • 14th September 2018
  • by secretary
Agrinatura News

A three-day Global Technical Gathering of the National Information Platforms for Nutrition (NIPN) was extremely valuable. It allowed all the more tahn 60 participants from ten participating countries to feel part of a whole group, created a common understanding of the project as well as enabled discussion of technical matters, implementation needs, opportunities and bottlenecks, and encouraged collaboration and sharing across countries. It allowed NIPN Global Support Facility (GSF) to identify the most urgent needs for technical support in the coming year. The most significant statistics in the final evaluation were that 77% of the participants felt their country NIPNs had been strengthened by the gathering, the same number believed the gathering had helped their teams to progress, and 90% went away feeling that they now know what the next steps will be in their countries.


More information you can watch here in 3 minutes summary video of the gathering.
