There will be 30th Anniversary of ICA and 8th ICA Rectors and Deans Forum 2018 – High Tech to Feed the World Sustainably: Innovation from Spade to Fork see the programme at
Following the General Assembly there will be a reception and walking dinner for the ICA Rectors and Deans Forum at the Hotel-De Wageningsche Berg to which you are invited.
Thursday 25 October
Wageningen University Campus
Session 1: The potential and challenges of high tech in agriculture and the food value chain
Marek S Szyndel, President of ICA and Warsaw University of Life Sciences
Arthur Mol, Rector Magnificus, Wageningen University and Research
Chair: Antanas Maziliauskas, Aleksandras Stulginskis University (ASU), LT
9.10 Keynote 1: Big data opportunities for food and agriculture: research and
education challenges
Kevin McDonnell, University College Dublin, IE
9.45 Keynote 2: Precision Farming: advances in high tech, data-driven agriculture
at field, farm and regional level
Corne Kempenaar, Senior Scientist Agrosystems Research, Wageningen
University and Research, NL
10.20 Coffee
10.45 Keynote 3: High Tech in the Food Value Chain – non-invasive sensing of food
quality in manufacturing, distribution and retailWouter
Saeys, KULeuven, BE
11.20 Keynote 4: High Tech in the Food Value Chain – Digitisation in industrial food
processing and packaging
Marc Mauermann, Deputy Director Division Processing Technology Dresden,
Fraunhofer Institute for Process Engineering and Packaging IVV, DE
12.00 Lunch
12.30 Visit to Wageningen University’s High Tech Greenhouses
The Agenda:
The Programme:
More info here.
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