General Assembly in Gembloux 2019

  • 15th January 2019
  • by secretary
Agrinatura News

General Assembly in Gembloux 2019

Agrinatura General Assembly meeting will take place on May 15 – 17, 2019 in Gembloux, Belgium.

This year the General Assembly is hosted by Belgium University Liége, Gembloux Agro-Bio Tech, and as in the past Agrinatura will take this opportunity to organize a special workshop to bring together people, institutions and initiatives discussing specific topics related to ARD.

This year this workshop holds theme Forests of tomorrow in the service of UN sustainable development goals: from monitoring to biobased products’. The General Assembly is organised on Wednesday, followed by the workshop which starts on Thursday 16th of May  in the afternoon.


More information about the events, accommodation, location you can easily find here which is regularly updated.

!Register to all events through this link asap. Please be aware that every individual must use the registration link to be able to participate in the meetings!
