In partnership with the European Commission/DG DEVCO, Agrinatura’s Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D) project team organised a project lab at the European Development Days 2019 (EDD19) held in Brussels on 18-19 June. The theme of EDD19 was Addressing inequalities: Building a world which leaves no one behind. The VCA4D lab posed the question Are value chains a driver for equality? Regis Meritan, Head of the Sector “Agriculture Growth” in DG DEVCO, explained the need for robust evidence to enable policy makers to better understand how value chains can contribute to inclusive growth and be socially and environmentally sustainable. Three Agrinatura experts then presented lessons from three of the more than twenty detailed value chain studies that have been completed, highlighting ways in which inequalities can be addressed. A lively discussion followed and some interesting ideas and experiences were shared by members of the audience. For a more detailed report of the event see (link).
EDD19 coincided with the 10th anniversary of Agrinatura in its present form. Although our roots extend back to 1998 with the formation of NATURA we emerged in our current form in 2009 when NATURA and the ECART European Economic Interest Group joined forces. The new grouping was formally launched on 16 June 2009 at the CGIAR Science Forum which was hosted by one of our members, Wageningen University. Since then we have mobilised our extensive resources to work with international partners to address global agricultural challenges through joint research, educational and training programmes and projects. We particularly value the strong partnership with the European Commission/DG DEVCO of which the VCA4D project is a prime example.
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