Tropentag 2011 – Call for paper

  • 07th March 2011
  • by manager
Agrinatura News

Tropentag 2011 is an upcoming conference, which will take place at the University of Bonn, Germany, 5 – 7 October 2011.

Development on the margin

The call for papers and the first conference information is now published on

The deadline for submission of abstract(s) is May 15th, 2011.
The conference language is English.
Abstracts of original research of 250-350 words must be submitted, using the online form available at:

Based on the abstract, a panel of reviewers will decide upon the acceptance of the contributions.The decision for a contribution to be accepted either as poster or as oral presentation is at the discretion of these reviewers. Contributions of an interdisciplinary nature will be preferentially selected as oral presentation.

Poster contributions will be grouped into thematic clusters and will be addressed in guided poster sessions.

Notifications of acceptance will be sent on July 15th 2011.

All accepted contributions will be published in the conference proceedings and on the Tropentag homepage.

Young scientists are specially encouraged to submit their contributions.

For more detailed information please see the official webpage.
