RUFORUM 16th Annual General Meeting (AGM) to be held at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P), Morocco

  • 05th March 2020
  • by secretary
Agrinatura News

The 16th Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the Regional Universities Forum for Capacity Building in Agriculture (RUFORUM) will be held at Mohammed VI Polytechnic University (UM6P)

in Marrakech and Ben Guerir, Morocco from 18th to 20th November 2020.


UM6P is an institution set up by OCP in the municipality of Ben Guerir, the heart of the Green City, with the aim of positioning itself among world-renowned universities. The university aspires to leave its mark nationally, continentally, and globally and is therefore dedicated to research and innovation. The University is also engaged in economic and human development and puts research and innovation at the forefront of African development.

The 2020 RUFORUM AGM comes a year prior to the Triennial Conference to be held in November 2021 in the Republic of Benin. It will be the first AGM to be hosted in North Africa since 2004 when RUFORUM was set up. It is a confirmation of the expansion of RUFORUM’s geographical footprint across the continent. The 2020 AGM will be held under the theme Higher Education- Private Sector Partnership: Harnessing Opportunities for Agricultural Transformation in Africa.

The AGM falls under the RUFORUM Vision 2030, Knowledge Hub flagship. It is an opportunity to forge new partnerships, network, discuss emerging issues, share lessons and establish the potential to adopt best practices across the 126 RUFORUM member universities from 38 African countries. This year, the AGM provides a uniquely Moroccan experience with greater emphasis on the private sector, the link between university and agriculture as well as the potential for agricultural transformation through higher education.

By RUFORUM constitution, the AGM is attended by Vice-Chancellors, Rectors, Presidents and Principals/Deans from member Universities and representatives from other institutions of higher learning such as the Technical and Vocational Training Institutions (TVETS). The RUFORUM AGM has established a reputation as a platform for dialogue on issues impacting Agricultural Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation in Africa. This year, the AGM will bring together the academe (staff and students) with local, national, continental and global players. The 2020 AGM in Morocco is structured to tap into resources and technical expertise from policy makers, the private sector, development agencies and regional bodies that focus on agricultural transformation and the contribution of higher education towards the realization of Africa’s Agenda 2063 the Africa We Want.

Text by: Corporate Communications, & Advocacy Officer,  Maureen Agena,
