tropentag 2022

2nd call Agrinatura Travel Grants for Agrinatura participants!

  • 05th August 2022
  • by secretary
Agrinatura Events

Agrinatura traditionally offers Travel Grants for sucessful students from the member institutions.

This year Tropentag 2022 will be organised by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences of the Czech University of Life Science, Prague, Czech Republic from September 14-16 in Prague and online. The topic will be: Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views.

DDL for submittion of accepted abstracts 21.08.2022

The annual Conference on Tropical and Subtropical Agricultural and Natural Resource Management (TROPENTAG) has become the most important international conference on development-oriented research in the fields of food security, natural resource management and rural development in central Europe.
Agrinatura traditionally offers Travel Grants for sucessful students from the member institutions.
This year Tropentag 2022 will be organised by the Faculty of Tropical AgriSciences of the Czech University of Life Science, Prague, Czech Republic from September 14-16 in Prague and online. The topic will be: Can agroecological farming feed the world? Farmers’ and academia’s views.
Agrinatura will grant 8 students from Agrinatura members’ institutions by a travel grant of amount 300 EUR.

Eligible student will have to:

  • be a student of Agrinatura member institution (the list of member institutions is available here)
  • excluding hosting institution
  • be first author of the contribution
  • be personally present at the venue during the conference
  • place the logo of Agrinatura on the contribution (poster or presentation) and agree with publication on the website.
  • write a short profile and confirm they are not subsidised by another grant to participate on Tropentag


  • abstract selected for poster or oral presentation during the Tropentag conference 2022 in Prague
  • sent abstract to the
  • subject:Agrinatura Travel Grant – Tropentag
  • in the email provide: your full name, contact, affilitation to the university (member of Agrinatura), topic of the abstract


  • open of the second call 05.08.2022
  • DDL for submittion of accepted abstracts 21.08.2022

  • selection process by the Agrinatura committee
  • announcement of the results 04.08.2022
  • grants together with certificates will be handed to the participants on site during the conference


All eligible criteria, requirements and timelines must be met to consider your application!
