LEAP4FNSSA is a Coordination and Support Action (CSA) whose main objective is to engage European and African institutions in a Sustainable Partnership Platform for research and innovation on Food and Nutrition Security, and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA).
Work Package 3 will provide the core information system for the Platform. The FNSSA project database is part of the task to map and cluster ongoing and recently finished projects contributing to the FNSSA Roadmap.
The database is a work in progress, and contains projects in the area of FNSSA, funded by the European Commission (EC) framework programmes such as Horizon 2020, as well as the African Union Research Grants. In addition, the database also contains a number of relevant projects from other EU DGs, and from various national funders within the EU. The projects all have participants from countries in Africa and Europe in cooperation. Information included in the database is collected from external sources and curated with care, but minor inaccuracies may occur.
Do you want to add your FNSSA project to the LEAP4FNSSA database?
Contact: leap4fnssa@slu.se
Information needed:
LEAP4FNSSA long-term impact will enable and catalyze the transformation of the existing AU-EU FNSSA Partnership into a “bi-continental” Platform for collaboration, organized along the model of an International Research Consortium.
For information about the IRC, click here to access a short information note.
H2020 Coordination and Support Action (CSA) 2018-2022
35 partners from Europe and Africa
To provide a tool for European and African institutions to engage in a Sustainable Partnership Platform for research and innovation on Food and Nutrition Security, and Sustainable Agriculture (FNSSA)
Partnership projects
This subset among the projects in the database contains projects funded under the umbrella of the EU AU R&I FNSSA Partnership.
The FNSSA project database is maintained by LEAP4FNSSA partners. Database content is added and curated by the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU) and it is technically hosted and developed by Wageningen University & Research.
For enquiries, comments or feedback on the database and its contents, please contact us at:
LEAP4FNSSA has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 817663.