VCA4D launches a call for experts for the set-up of a core group of experts on AFA and the creation of training material

  • 28th August 2024
  • by secretary

A maximum of 6 experts will be selected among economists who have already worked on VCA4D and proved interest and understanding of the AFA software.  The experts will deepen their proficiency in AFA and revise and complete the guidelines on the use of AFA and the existing training materials (slides, case studies). In case needed, the group of experts will help develop new training support (e.g. tutorial videos).

The profile is detailed below, and the ToR is attached. Each expert will have 5 working days for the creation of the training material after participation in online and face-to-face (one week in Brussels) discussions on the tool. The period for the work is September 2024 – February 2025.


Please send the CVs of candidates to, by 05/09/2024, CoB, at the latest.

We would like the selected experts to commit to participating in future activities: training of AFA within Agrinatura members and partner countries; support to other economists in the use of AFA within VCA4D studies; revision of AFA file for their inclusion in the VCA4D information system. To this purpose, we ask you to include a letter of motivation in your application.


The software Agri-Food Value Chain Analysis (AFA) has been selected as a tool to support the economic calculations within the Value Chain Analysis for Development (VCA4D) project. The AFA software facilitates the systematic organisation of physical and economic data.

After a few years of implementation of the VCA4D project, the use of AFA by economic experts remains a challenge. Training on the tool is provided before and during the performance of a study, but the experience shows that economists still rely heavily on PMU support to produce the indicators included in the VCA4D reports.

There are two main identified reasons for the underuse of AFA within the VCA4D community of experts: the first is that training is provided during the performance of a study, making it challenging for experts to focus on the command of the tool itself; the second one, is that the use of AFA often unveils needs for training on some topics of the economic analysis that may be less known by the expert itself. As such, there has never been training on AFA with the sole purpose of mastering the tool.

It is therefore recommended that for fostering a good command of AFA within a community of practitioners, in-depth training is provided (intertwined with the improvement of the training material) without the direct pressure of performing a study.


Common Requirements and Skills:

  • Master degree in economics or agricultural economics
  • S/he is an economic expert with deep knowledge and experience in value chain analysis.
  • Knowledge of VCA4D studies having participated at least in one VCA4D study and using AFA
  • Excellent knowledge of VCA4D methodology
  • Experience in training and teaching activities in economics is an asset.
  • Working experience with AFA software is required.
  • Able to work in English
