
Call for experts: value chain analysis on coffee in Tanzania

  • 26th June 2024
  • by secretary

VCA4D launches a new call for experts for a value chain analysis on coffee in Tanzania.

The profiles are detailed below. Each expert will have 45 working days (50 for the team leader). The period for the study is September 2024 – March 2025.

The ToR will be circulated as soon as approved – but this is expected to be a standard study, undertaken by using the VCA4D methodology, as described in the ‘Methodological Brief. Tools and Methods.

Please send the CVs of candidates to and, by Thursday, 4th  July 2024, CoB, at the latest.


Tanzania is the fourth-largest coffee producer in Africa after Ethiopia, Uganda, and Cote d’Ivoire. Tanzania ranks 19th in coffee production worldwide according to the International Coffee Organization.

The sector has a significant potential for Tanzanian economic development (in terms of exports but also local consumption) as well as for the revenue of over 450,000 smallholders cultivating it.

The Tanzania Coffee Board (TCB) is implementing a strategy seeking to heighten the production of coffee beans from the currently 81,000 tons to a total of 300,000 tons by the 2025/26 harvesting season.

The sector faces however several challenges which include unpredictable weather, the existence of old coffee trees, the use of low-yielding coffee varieties and low usage of inputs due to their high prices, high cost of production at volatile and falling coffee prices, difficult business environment and difficulty of access to credit especially for small farmers, etc.

 The EU has been supporting the coffee sector for years with different projects and initiatives, most notably with the Agri-Connect programme completed in October 2023, and other projects such as the Passport to Coffee Export (PACE) project and the MARKUP I and II (ongoing) which focus on improve regional trade as well as the competitiveness of export-oriented enterprises, in alignment with the objectives of the government to promote the coffee industry and market.

A VCA4D study was realized in 2018 on the southern island coffee areas where the AGRICONNECT project operated. The EU delegation has now requested a new full-fledge study on coffee production areas covering the whole country. This evidence-based knowledge will support the implementation of the ongoing projects and will provide an important update to help building new potential investments in the sector as well as policy dialogue with the coffee value chain stakeholders at all levels.



1) Agro-Economist

She/he is a senior expert with deep knowledge and experience in value chain analysis from an economic point of view, possibly with a knowledge of cocoa value chains.

S/he will elaborate financial and economic accounts of the VC (and its sub-systems) as a whole and of its actors. He/she will analyse the VC from the different actors’ perspectives, as well as its contribution to the main economic indicators (GDP, the balance of trade, public finance, etc.). He/she will be at ease with the concepts of income distribution, job creation, growth and distributive effects, viability of the VC in the international economy, etc.  S/he will undertake a full functional analysis with the support of his/her colleagues.

Experience in economic analysis of value chains is required, and experience in coffee value chains is an asset.

Professional experience in Tanzania is an asset.

Knowledge of English is required.

Experience in stakeholders’ management (including relations with high-level officials and the private sector) and analysis of public policies are a plus.

The economist will coordinate and consolidate the functional analysis, compiling the contributions from all experts. S/he will provide a Functional and Economic Analysis that will be included in the final report.

A collective training or at least an individual introduction to the AFA software will be made prior to the first mission. In the case the training cannot be done before the first mission, it will be done before the second mission.

S/he will help the team leader (if another member of the team) to (i) define the typology of actors that will be adopted throughout the study; (ii) formulate an executive summary and conclusions that combine the results of the different analyses in order to answer the framing questions and to finalise the report (reading, formatting of the report…). The expert will collaborate and integrate the analysis of market trends provided by COLEAD, if applicable.

2) Social expert

S/he is a senior expert with deep knowledge of and experience on social issues related to agricultural value chains in developing countries, particularly on the inclusiveness of the most vulnerable groups.

The expert has experience at least in two of the social domains covered by VCA4D (working conditions, land and water rights, gender equality, food and nutrition security, social capital, and living conditions) and is able to handle and inform on the other ones.

Experience in social analysis of the agricultural sector is required, and specific experience on social issues in developing countries is strongly appreciated.

Experience in social aspects of the coffee VCs is highly appreciated.

Professional experience in Tanzania is compulsory.

Knowledge of English is required.

Experience in stakeholders’ management (including relations with high-level officials and the private sector) and analysis of public policies are a plus.

The social expert will provide a social analysis to be included in the report, on the basis of the VCA4D Social Profile. An introduction on how to complete the Social Profile will be made prior to the first mission.

The Social Expert will also support the economist in the analysis of inclusiveness and the LCA expert in dealing with the Biodiversity Analysis.

S/he will help the team leader to: (i) define the typology of actors that will be adopted throughout the study; (ii) formulate an executive summary and conclusions that combine the results of the different analyses in order to answer the framing questions and finalise the report (reading, formatting of the report…).

3) Environmental/LCA expert

S/he is a senior expert with deep knowledge of and experience in Life Cycle Analysis (LCA).

Experience in the coffee VCs is an asset.

Professional experience in Tanzania will be appreciated.

The LCA Scientist must be able to investigate also local health risks and biodiversity issues in the environmental analysis.

Knowledge of English is required.

S/he will preferably use the SimaPro software for LCA.

S/he will provide the part of the report on the Environmental Analysis that will be included in the final report. His/her analysis will focus on the analysis of damages to resources, ecosystems, and human health, as well as on the impacts of climate change.

S/he will help the team leader to: (i) define the typology of actors that will be adopted throughout the study, (ii) formulate an executive summary and conclusions that combine the results of the different analyses in order to answer the framing questions, and to finalise the report (reading, formatting of the report…).

4) National Expert  

S/he is a specialist in the coffee value chain in Tanzania.

Relevant knowledge of the national institutions (technical, economic, and political ones) and stakeholders (public and private) involved in the cocoa value chain is required.

At the beginning of the study, s/he will provide general information on the value chain, identifying key players and existing relevant information and data for the analyses. The national expert will help to select the most relevant data from available sources, clarify inconsistencies, and improve coherence between analyses.

S/he will facilitate and complete the data collection, in agreement with the guidelines of the Team Leader. S/he will facilitate the contact between the whole team and the local stakeholders.

Depending on the organization chosen by the team, his/her work can be deployed before the missions (preparation of the mission of the colleagues), during the missions (support of colleagues during missions), between missions (collection of additional information, supervision of data collection, etc.), even after missions (additional information).
