As every year Agrinatura offered 8 travel grants to the students of the member universities. This year 7 students were awarded by the travel grant and were personally present at the venue at Ghent University (Ghent, Belgium), September 17-19, 2018.
Agrinatura awarded the best students from Agrinatura network by a travel grant of 300 EUR.
1. Eduardo Alberto Lara Reimers – Czech University of Life Sciences Prague
‘An Ethnobotanical Study of Medicinal Plants Used in Papantla, Veracruz, Mexico‘
2. Marwa Abdel Hamid Shumo – Universität Bonn
3. Samuel Oluwafemi Ojo – Bern University of Applied Sciences
‘Canopy Dynamics of Two „Climate-Smart“ Cassava Varieties under Drought in SW Nigeria‘
4. Xueqing He – University of Copenhagen
‘The Spider Biodiversity in Long-Term Organic Rice Paddy Field in Subtropical China’
5. Wiebke Beushausen – University of Göttingen – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
‘Homegarden Food Production and Diet Composition in Rural Limpopo Province, South Africa’
6. Thomas Bringhenti – University of Göttingen – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
7. Kate Kuntu-Blankson – University of Göttingen – Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
‘Model-Based Assessment of Grazing Impact on Soil Carbon Stocks and Dynamics of a Kenyan Rangeland’
Photo by Anna Kroutilová