Agrinatura conference

Agrinatura 1st Conference 2022

  • 25th February 2022
  • by secretary

Call for contribution to 1st Agrinatura conference held in Cork, Ireland 18th May 2022

Agrinatura GA is the two-day event and it is dedicated as well to bring Agrinatura collective knowledege to broader audience.

Therefore, Agrinatura launched its first mini-conference for our members to present their activities, this year held in Cork.

This conference will be half day event as a part of the General Assembly meeting, with aim to engage and showcase the work of your member institution. This conference is free of charge and only requirement is Membership in Agrinatura (list of Agrinatura Members here).

On behalf of the Agrinatura Research Working Group, we would like to invite you to submit your research topic, abstract, project activity or result of your research in the following topics to respective chair of the session.

The conference will take place in two sections and each section in two breakout rooms. Therefore, you can even participate in two sections!

Please submit your contribution till April 15th 2022. Evaluation will be done by the end of April.

On the bottom of the page you can find this Participant contributions and Photo gallery from the Conference.

Key note Speakers:

Prof. Dr. Justus Wesseler

holds the chair in Agricultural Economics and Rural Policy at Wageningen University, The Netherlands. He has a degree in agricultural, environmental and natural resource economics from the University of Göttingen, Germany. His research work is on bioeconomy economics and policies. The major focus is on the contribution of value chains to improve sustainability and the impact of new technologies and regulations on the value chain in this respect. His research work has been published in more than 100 contributions to peer reviewed journals and books. He is president of the International Consortium of Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) and editor of the Palgrave series on bioeconomy economics and policies. He has been involved in a number of small and large scale international research project as team member and/or coordinator and been invited to serve as an adviser in academia and research. Currently he is the coordinator of the EU funded project Monitoring the Bioeconomy (BioMonitor) and a member of the EU High Level Expert Group to assess the needs, potential, feasibility and approach for an International Platform for Food Systems Science (IPFSS).

Prof. Dr. Patrick Van Damme

Utilizing agricultural research to stimulate growth


– Policy

(chair: Miguel de Porras, )

– Food system transformation 

(chair: Susanna Rokka, )

– Value chains

(chair: Heval Yildrim, )

– South-north cooperation

(chair: Olga Leuner, )


Submission should include:

  • your contact information,
  • title, 
  • max 300 words abstract or a description of the activity (figures/tables allowed)

Send it as a word document by email to the chair of the topic (cc.

The conference presentations will be 3-10 min oral introductions and/or posters or info sheets.


Link to the Agrinatura General Assembly 2022 (here) and Registration (here) (deadline 9th May, 2022)

Conference Timetable

Date Time  Name Abstract Topic Section
18th May 15:30 – 16:30  Samuel Poskitt Putting the last mile first: How contextualisation can support successful participatory climate services


(Chair: Miguel de Porras, Olga Leuner)

Luis Goulao Enhancing Evidence-Informed Decision Making in Nutrition: The Nutrition Research Facility

Amalia Orsina (Online) Agroecology and biodiversity aspects in the EU Green Deal: the role of Criminal Law

18th May 15:30 – 16:30  Claire Durand Contribution of Wild Edible Resources to Food Security in the Central Highlands of Madagascar. An Exploratory Research in Itasy Region

Food systems

(Chair: Susanna Rokka, Claire Durand)

Elena Mihailescu What research interventions towards the Swiss food production system ?

Isabelle Vagneron et al. From food systems assessment towards effective transitions/transformations
18th May 16:30 – 17:30 Heval Yildirim VCA4D contributing to the knowledge on value chains

Value chains

(Chair: Heval Yildirim, Claire Durand)

Pierre Girard et al. (online) Bionergies and Job Creation in West African Agricultural Value Chains

Andreas Melcher Sustainable Fisheries Management Transformation Pathways for Burkina Faso

18th May 16:30 – 17:30 Marie Hrabanski et al. (online) Policy Instruments for Agricultural Adaptation for Climate Change in global south and north: which innovations and conditions of successful implementation?

South-north cooperation

(Chair: Olga Leuner, Susanna Rokka, Miguel de Porras)

Susanna Rokka LEAP4FNSSA database



Miguel de Porras SustainSahel: Synergistic integration of Crops, Livestock and Shrubs in the Sahel

Lilian Treasure Flood-based farming practices, ​productivity, and associated costs for farmers in wetland ecosystems of Abia State, Nigeria




Sponsored by: Part of Fáilte Ireland, Ireland’s National Tourism Development Authority and Cork University Business School


First Agrinatura Conference was launched during the afternoon program of the first day of Agrinatura GA. The program started by outstanding speeches from two keynote speakers:

Dr. Justus Wesseler (WUR, Netherlands) with presentation topic: “Evolving policy through fostering agricultural research for development” and Dr. Patrick Van Damme (CZU, Czech Republic) introducing the topic of ”Utilising agriculture research to stimulate growth”. Their rich background in the field of Agricultural research and Development and Food systems created high level discussion and great baseline for the following conference.

Agrinatura first conference was launched with main aim of providing its members opportunity to showcase their work, research, and project activities. This year lured 13 contributions from 11-member institution. The conference runed in two sessions in parallel. Umbrella topics were Policy, Food System Transformation, Value Chains and South-North cooperation.

Participant presentations:

Photo gallery from the 1st Agrinatura Conference: