Webinar: What do we need for a gender-sensitive Covid-19 response in agriculture and food security?

  • 25th May 2020
  • by secretary
21 May 2020. What do we need for a gender-sensitive Covid-19 response in agriculture and food security? Insights from research and practice. Organised by IFPRI.

This seminar brought together perspectives from researchers, civil society, and development assistance in a discussion of the elements of a gender-sensitive covid-19 response. Speakers will share what they have learned from research on the food price crisis and earlier pandemics; experience and insights from grassroots organizations and NGOs in India and Kenya; and views of funding organizations. They also presented an emerging gender research agenda to inform future programmatic and policy responses.

Opening Remarks
John McDermott, Director, CGIAR Research Program on Agriculture for Nutrition and Health (A4NH)
